The Tenet of a Symbol, No. 2

The Tenet of a Symbol, No. 2


Size: 7.5” x 7.5” on 8.5” x 11”

Signed & stamped in verso

After shooting No. 1 I walked the length of the reflecting pool. I walked alone and in quietude. My back was to Lincoln but my thoughts were on his Gettysburg Address, quite possibly the single most profound speech ever delivered by a President. That great orator for which words mattered most. I don’t know why I didn’t turn around to photograph him, probably because the Washington Monument was more visually striking or there were too many people on the steps.

There’s a phrase in the address, ..that government of the people, by the people, for the people..that had never before said been. There is no known source for where he got inspiration for it. It’s on this idea I was thinking when I framed this image. There are so many contradictions in our country, so much national fervor and the belief that you are correct and they are wrong. Just to my right is the Korean War Memorial, I’m guessing the soldiers of that forgotten conflict would have some things to say on the matter.

Location: Reflection Pool, Washington DC

Technical Info: Hasselblad, Kodak T-Max 100 BW Film, Zeiss 50mm, N+1 developed in Kodak X-tol 1:1.

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