Rock, Water, Sky: An Essay on Landscape Photography

Rock, Water, Sky: An Essay on Landscape Photography


Size: 7.5” x 7.5” on 8.5” x 11” 300gsm Heavy Matte Paper

Signed & stamped in verso

Sometimes the most meaningful moments in life only reveal themselves later, in retrospective analyzation. Distance is often needed to understand what about it was meaningful or insightful. The search for landscape art is out there, amongst the trees, the mountains, the coastlines. It is in the wandering that discovery exposes artistic opportunities that favor those who have prepared. Preparation through practice, experience and failure. In this flow state the world is yours to interpret…It is only later, looking at the print that you say, my god, what did I do.

A long hike along the rugged coast in Olympic National Park. At the end a lone seastack sits slowly being devoured by the ocean. It is after sunset and the light is cold. The tide water swirls and soaks my feet. I do not feel it. An image sits in front of me, it is ink on paper, a brushstroke, a poem written in rock and water and sky. But it is only one amongst several I make that evening. And later, much later, I look back to this moment as a singular definition of what it means to be a landscape artist. It was a performance and for the briefest of time I was its conductor.

Technical Info: Hasselblad, Kodak 160NC color film, 80mm lens, no filtration. 5-6 minutes @ f/11

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